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Chinese Cultural Heritage and Scientific and Technological Innovation


This is a poem about one of the 24 solar terms -Chushu: 微雨过,小凉生,篱落暗成阴。悄立小桥东。槿花落后清和气,桐叶未黄时(generated by AI)。Which of the following best captures the essence of this poem and the spirit of “The End of Heat”?

This is a poem about one of the 24 solar terms -Chushu: 微雨过,小凉生,篱落暗成阴。悄立小桥东。槿花落后清和气,桐叶未黄时(generated by AI)。Which of the following best captures the essence of this poem and the spirit of “The End of Heat”?
A、The poem celebrates the intense heat and vibrant energy of summer, encouraging people to enjoy the sunny outdoors. B、The poem reflects on the harvest season, emphasizing the abun……继续阅读 »