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According to the naming method of the object managed by SNMP, a company is going to introduce a newly developed server product to the market,suppose that the company has a MIB node number 150 under the “enterprise” subtree, but has applied for an identifier number of 50 for the new server product. What are the correct server object identifiers?

According to the naming method of the object managed by SNMP, a company is going to introduce a newly developed server product to the market,suppose that the company has a MIB node number 150 under the “enterprise” subtree, but has applied for an identifier number of 50 for the new server product. What are the correct server object identifiers?
According to the naming method of the object managed by SNMP, a company is going to introduce a newly developed server product to the market,suppose that the company has a MIB node……继续阅读 »