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The differences in RP and GA reflect British and American cultures: British English are ________, since Britain is a traditional country with great cultural ________, and they are nostalgic to the past, and respect rules and customs. Whereas, American English sounds ________ and sometimes exaggerated, that is mainly because America is a modern country with huge cultural ________, and the Americans advocate reform and innovation.

The differences in RP and GA reflect British and American cultures: British English are ________, since Britain is a traditional country with great cultural ________, and they are nostalgic to the past, and respect rules and customs. Whereas, American English sounds ________ and sometimes exaggerated, that is mainly because America is a modern country with huge cultural ________, and the Americans advocate reform and innovation.
A、strict and formal, diversity, extroverted, heritage B、strict and formal, heritage, extroverted, diversity C、extroverted, heritage, strict and formal, diversity D、extroverted, div……继续阅读 »