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规制自然垄断行业的市场行为,主要是规制其( )

规制自然垄断行业的市场行为,主要是规制其( )
题目:规制自然垄断行业的市场行为,主要是规制其( ) A.联合限制竞争行为 B.行政性垄断行为 C.滥用市场支配地位行为 D.经营者集中行为 喵查答案:C 【考点点击】本题考查的知识点是自然垄断市场规制法律制度。【要点透析】自然垄断行业之所以成为特殊市场进行特别规制,主要源于其垄断的“天然性”。这类行业的垄断行为,主要是滥用市场支配地位行为。 ……继续阅读 »

以下行为,构成不正当竞争的是【 】

以下行为,构成不正当竞争的是【 】
题目:以下行为,构成不正当竞争的是【 】 A.甲厂产品发生质量事故,舆论误指为乙厂产品,乙厂公开说明事实真相 B.甲汽车厂不满乙钢铁厂起诉其拖欠其货款,散布乙厂产品质量低劣的虚假事实 C.甲冰箱厂散布乙冰箱厂售后服务差的虚假事实,虽未指名,但一般人可以推知 D.甲灯具厂捏造乙灯具厂偷工减料的事实,但只告诉了乙厂的几家客户 E.消费者购买了质量不合格的商品,向……继续阅读 »


题目:这段文字在论据上有何特点 喵查答案: 理论论据:《书》日“满招损,谦受益”;事实论据:唐庄宗得天下与失天下的例子。理论论据与事实论据相结合,然后又从史实引出“祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺”作为理论总结。 ……继续阅读 »

As the plane circled over the airport,everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air,and although the passengers had (11) their seat belts,they were suddenly (12) forward. At that moment,the air-hostess appeared. She looked very pale,but was quite calm. (13) quickly but almost in a whisper,she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked (14) any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. (15) a moment’s hesitation,a man got up and followed the stewardess(空中小姐)into the pilot’s cabin.

As the plane circled over the airport,everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air,and although the passengers had (11) their seat belts,they were suddenly (12) forward. At that moment,the air-hostess appeared. She looked very pale,but was quite calm. (13) quickly but almost in a whisper,she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked (14) any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. (15) a moment’s hesitation,a man got up and followed the stewardess(空中小姐)into the pilot’s cabin.
题目:As the plane circled over the airport,everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air,and although the passengers had (11) their seat b……继续阅读 »