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In the USA children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school (11) they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they (12) school. There are two kinds of schools in the United States: public schools and pri-cate(私立)schools.(13)children go to public schools. Their parents do not have to(14)

In the USA children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school (11) they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they (12) school. There are two kinds of schools in the United States: public schools and pri-cate(私立)schools.(13)children go to public schools. Their parents do not have to(14)
题目:In the USA children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school (11) they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old w……继续阅读 »


题目:19. A.incorrectly B.clearly C.shortly D.recently 喵查答案:B 19.B【解析】clea rly意为“真切地”。其他三项均不合句意。 ……继续阅读 »

I1. (2009重庆)研究发现,达菲(Tamiflu)对甲型HIM流感病毒有抑制作用,从香料八角中提取的莽草酸(C7H6O5)是合成达菲的原料之一。下列对莽草酸的说法不正确的是( )

I1. (2009重庆)研究发现,达菲(Tamiflu)对甲型HIM流感病毒有抑制作用,从香料八角中提取的莽草酸(C7H6O5)是合成达菲的原料之一。下列对莽草酸的说法不正确的是( )
题目:I1. (2009重庆)研究发现,达菲(Tamiflu)对甲型HIM流感病毒有抑制作用,从香料八角中提取的莽草酸(C7H6O5)是合成达菲的原料之一。下列对莽草酸的说法不正确的是( ) A.莽草酸是氧化物 B.它由碳、氢、氧元素组成 C.氢元素质量分数最小 D.碳、氢、氧原子个数比为7:6:5 喵查答案:A ……继续阅读 »

23._______.birthday is September 9th.

23._______.birthday is September 9th.
题目:23._______.birthday is September 9th. A. My B. Joe’s C.Joe’s father’s D.Joe’s mother’s 喵查答案:B 23.B【解析】短文中Joe介绍“September 9th is my birthday,,。”可知,本……继续阅读 »

洞庭湖的壮美景象引来不少文人的咏叹 , 这里有杜甫“吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日夜浮”的苍凉,又有孟浩然 “ ________________ ,____________________”的壮阔,范仲淹也因其万顷碧波的阴晴明暗,发出了先忧后乐的拳拳心语。

洞庭湖的壮美景象引来不少文人的咏叹 , 这里有杜甫“吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日夜浮”的苍凉,又有孟浩然 “ ________________ ,____________________”的壮阔,范仲淹也因其万顷碧波的阴晴明暗,发出了先忧后乐的拳拳心语。
题目:洞庭湖的壮美景象引来不少文人的咏叹 , 这里有杜甫“吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日夜浮”的苍凉,又有孟浩然 “ ________________ ,____________________”的壮阔,范仲淹也因其万顷碧波的阴晴明暗,发出了先忧后乐的拳拳心语。 喵查答案: 气蒸云梦泽   波撼岳阳城 ……继续阅读 »