快乐学习 一个网站喵查铺子(catpuzi.com)全搞定~


题目:在宣传周里,学生会宣传部长准备在校园宣传栏内写一条宣传语。他根据下面的材料写出了宣传语的前一句,请你续写后一句。(2分) 要求:与前一句语意相关、句式一致、字数相等。 【材料】 上海世博会期间,中国将在世博园区展演具有民族特色的地方戏曲,同时展出500多种国家级的非物质文化遗产;其他参展国也将在世博园区组织具有本国民族特色的主题演出和民间艺术展示活动。……继续阅读 »


题目:阅读下面文段,回答问题。(2分) 在我们生命的河道里,每个人应该是一尾鱼,而不应像蝌蚪一样,一味地顺着安逸的水流而下。那样的生活虽然自在,却也潜伏着随( )时被汹涌的溪水甩向岸边jiāo( )石的危险。困难永远不是前进路上的累zhuì( )。真正倔强的生命,应该像逆流而上的鱼群一样,昂起头,一路逆水而上。那头顶上翻卷的浪花不就是最动人的诗篇吗?那摇曳多……继续阅读 »

Mary always wanted to be a singer.(11) was the most important part in her life. Un-luckily, she had a (12) voice. Although she took lessons (13) many years, her voice didn’t get better. It just got louder. Her teacher finally (14) teaching her, but she kept on practicing herself.One dayshedecided (15) a concert and invited her teacher to it. The teacher was very (16) about what to say after the concert. He knew it would be a (17). one. At last he got an idea. When the concert (18) , he went to see Mary. “Well,” said Mary, “What do you (19) my concert “My dear, said the teacher. “You’ll never be (20) than you are tonight.

Mary always wanted to be a singer.(11) was the most important part in her life. Un-luckily, she had a (12) voice. Although she took lessons (13) many years, her voice didn’t get better. It just got louder. Her teacher finally (14) teaching her, but she kept on practicing herself.One dayshedecided (15) a concert and invited her teacher to it. The teacher was very (16) about what to say after the concert. He knew it would be a (17). one. At last he got an idea. When the concert (18) , he went to see Mary. “Well,” said Mary, “What do you (19) my concert “My dear, said the teacher. “You’ll never be (20) than you are tonight.
题目:Mary always wanted to be a singer.(11) was the most important part in her life. Un-luckily, she had a (12) voice. Although she took lessons (13) many years, her voice didn’……继续阅读 »

11.—The cake looks_________

11.—The cake looks_________
题目:11.—The cake looks_________ —Yes 9 and it tastes even_________ A. well,good B. nice,better C. good,worse D. better,best 喵查答案:B 11.B【解析】句意:——这蛋糕看起来很漂亮。—— 是的·它尝起来更美味。look/taste(系动……继续阅读 »


题目:(7分)请根据下列已知条件设问,使其成为一道完整的计算题,然后解答。 一定质量的氯化钡(BaCl2)固体和100g溶质质量为9.8%的稀硫酸恰好完全反应。 喵查答案: 13.(7分)此题为开放性题,答案比较多。例如:生成沉淀的质量是多少克?或所取氯化钡固体的质量是多少克?等合理的补充。答案略。 ……继续阅读 »


题目:请从下面两个文题中,任选其一,按要求作文。 题目:(一)有些事不必等待来 (二)幸亏有______________ 要求:1.如果选择题目(二),先把题目补充完整,然后作文。 2.文体不限,字数不少于600字(如果写诗歌,不少于20行)。 3.字迹工整,书写清楚规范,卷面整洁(达到此项要求,评分时可奖励2分)。 4.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等……继续阅读 »