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F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it to Mr. Ramon’s office as soon as it arrives.What is the fax about?

中国大学MOOC答案 数据帝 2024-05-20 扫描二维码

A、The shipment delay
B、The quality of the fax machines
C、The service contract for Office PCs
D、The shipment delay
喵查答案:The service contract for Office PCs

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