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Which is NOT an advantage of a flat organizational structure?

中国大学MOOC答案 数据帝 2024-05-20 扫描二维码

A、There are fewer levels of approvals in decision making, so decisions can be made faster.
B、Decisions reach the ultimate decision maker sooner in the process, which gives the ability for faster responses to new business issues.
C、There tends to be better and more frequent communication between higher level managers and staffers, resulting in better understanding of company goals for the staffers and a better understanding of daily operational issues by the managers.
D、There tends to be better and more frequent communication between higher level managers and staffers, resulting in more time spent in non-productive meetings.
喵查答案:There tends to be better and more frequent communication between higher level managers and staffers, resulting in more time spent in non-productive meetings.

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