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Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today’s jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess. Moss and Tilly counter that worker deficiencies lie less in job-specific skills than in such attributes as motivation, interpersonal skills, and appropriate work demeanor. However, Handel suggests that these perceived deficiencies are merely an age effect, arguing that workers pass through a phase of early adulthood characterized by weak attachment to their jobs. As they mature, workers grow out of casual work attitudes and adjust to the workplace norms of jobs that they are more interested in retaining. Significantly, complaints regarding younger workers have persisted for over two decades, but similar complaints regarding older workers have not grown as the earlier cohorts aged.   The last sentence serves primarily to

中国大学MOOC答案 数据帝 2024-04-13 扫描二维码


suggest that worker deficiencies are likely to become more pronounced in the future


 introduce facts that Handel may have failed to take into account


cite evidence supporting Handel’s argument about workers


show that the worker deficiencies cited by Handel are more than an age effect

E、 distinguish certain skills more commonly possessed by young workers from skills more commonly found among mature workers

cite evidence supporting Handel’s argument about workers

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